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Gilbert and Sullivan #2 (accompaniment/karaoke) - clicca per un'immagine più grande
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Titolo Gilbert and Sullivan #2 (accompaniment/karaoke)
N. di articolo 3007025
Categoria Canto
Sottocategoria (noch nicht zugeordnete Werke)
Instrumentation Voc (vocale); CD (Audio-CD)
Text language Inglese {en}
Paese di pubblicazione Stati Uniti d'America (us)
Casa editrice * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclicca qui
N. di articolo della casa editrice * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclicca qui
UPC * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclicca qui
Anno di pubblicazione 2006
Compositore Gilbert, William Schwenck; Sullivan, Arthur
Ulteriori informazioni / contenuti Accompaniment CD of selections from Gilbert & Sullivan's operettas including Mikado. Songs recorded with and without guide vocals. On-Screen karaoke lyrics and a lyric booklet provided.

1. Mikado: A Wandering Minstrel I, 3:53
2. Mikado: Behold the Lord High Executioner, 2:38
3. Mikado: As Someday It May happen, 2:06
4. Mikado: Three Little Maids, 1:40
5. Mikado: The Sun Whose Rays Are All Ablaze, 2:57
6. Mikado: A More Humane Mikado, 3:44
7. Mikado: On a Tree by a River a Little Tom-Tit, 2:17
8. Iolanthe: When I Went to the Bar as a Very Young Man, 1:45
9. Iolanthe: When You're Lying Awake with a Dismal Headache, 2:53
10. Iolanthe: If You Go in you're Sure to Win, 2:52
11. Yeoman of the Guard: When Maiden Loves, She Sits and Sighs, 3:15
12. Yeoman of the Guard: I Have a Song to Sing O!, 3:55
13. Mikado: A Wandering Minstrel I, 3:53
14. Mikado: Behold the Lord High Executioner, 2:38
15. Mikado: As Someday It May happen, 2:06
16. Mikado: Three Little Maids, 1:40
17. Mikado: The Sun Whose Rays Are All Ablaze, 2:57
18. Mikado: A More Humane Mikado, 3:44
19. Mikado: On a Tree by a River a Little Tom-Tit, 2:17
20. Iolanthe: When I Went to the Bar as a Very Young Man, 1:45
21. Iolanthe: When You're Lying Awake with a Dismal Headache, 2:53
22. Iolanthe: If You Go in you're Sure to Win, 2:52
23. Yeoman of the Guard: When Maiden Loves, She Sits and Sighs, 3:15
24. Yeoman of the Guard: I Have a Song to Sing O!, 3:55
Compreso Cd (play-along) Compreso Cd (play-along)
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