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When Icicles Hang, in 6 movements (complete) - clicca per un'immagine più grande
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Titolo When Icicles Hang, in 6 movements (complete)
N. di articolo 4096080
Categoria Concert/wind/brass band
Sottocategoria Musica per fiati e coro
Instrumentation Ha (orchestra di strumenti a faito); Chor (adlib)
Instrumentation/info Concert Band, Optional Chorus
Format/Umfang PrtStm (partitura e parti); Download
Text language Inglese {en}
Paese di pubblicazione Stati Uniti d'America (us)
Casa editrice * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclicca qui
N. di articolo della casa editrice * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclicca qui
Anno di pubblicazione 2017
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Compositore Rutter, John
Arrangiatore Noble, Paul
Livello di difficoltà 3+
Duration 20:00
Ulteriori informazioni / contenuti John Rutter received an early commission for a piece of music that was "seasonal" for winter, though not necessarily linked to the Christian traditions of Christmas, in the early '70s. The request came from his friend Russell Burgess, a well-known conductor in the English musical scene and head of the Wandsworth School Boys' Choir through the '60s and '70s. Rutter responded with a six-movement work for orchestra, boys' choir, and mixed chorus, called When Icicles Hang. He chose his texts, characteristically, from Elizabethan and other early English poetry, each text dealing with images from the wintery season, be they the cold, ice-bound landscape and its winds; an older man's weariness in the face of the season; or the contrapuntal pleasures of ale and "honey love" for those safely inside on winter nights.
With sparkling orchestration which has been faithfully set for Concert/Wind Band, the work may be performed with chorus as originally written, or may be performed effectively by band alone.

(Score = 152 pages)
No. Titolo Paroliere Duration Campione del suono
1 When Icicles Hang 1. Icicles Shakespeare, William 4:00 clicca qui
1 When Icicles Hang 1. Icicles with choir Shakespeare, William 4:00 clicca qui
2 When Icicles Hang 2. Winter Nights Campion, Thomas 2:16 clicca qui
2 When Icicles Hang 2. Winter Nights with choir Campion, Thomas 2:16 clicca qui
3 When Icicles Hang 3. Good ale 15th Century 2:32 clicca qui
3 When Icicles Hang 3. Good ale with choir 15th Century 2:32 clicca qui
4 When Icicles Hang 4. Blow, blow, thou winter wind Shakespeare, William 3:45 clicca qui
4 When Icicles Hang 4. Blow, blow, thou winter wind with choir Shakespeare, William 3:45 clicca qui
5 When Icicles Hang 5. Winter wakeneth all my care 14th Century 5:10 clicca qui
5 When Icicles Hang 5. Winter wakeneth all my care with choir 14th Century 5:10 clicca qui
6 When Icicles Hang 6. Hay, ay 15th Century 2:15 clicca qui
6 When Icicles Hang 6. Hay, ay with choir 15th Century 2:15 clicca qui
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