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Songs For Children #1 - clicca per un'immagine pių grande
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Titolo Songs For Children #1
N. di articolo 3025133
Categoria Canto
Sottocategoria Vokal, Songbook
Instrumentation Voc (vocale)
Instrumentation/info Collection, Easy Classics
Format/Umfang Bk (libro)
Paese di pubblicazione Stati Uniti d'America (us)
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Ulteriori informazioni / contenuti Songs for Children - Volume 1 for Easy Piano compiled by Alexander Cole is a collection of 'timeless children's songs' cleverly arranged to sound much more difficult than they truly are. This fantastic assortment of Children's songs, distributed by Santorella Publications, is graded at level 2-3 and sure to make even the oldest of beginners feel young again.

The Eency Weency Spider;
Grandfather's Clock;
Humpty Dumpty;
Top Of Old Smokey;
A-Tisket, A-Tasket;
The Bear Went Over the Mountain;
Skip To My Lou;
I've Been Working On the Railroad;
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star;
Row Row Row Your Boat;
Pop! Goes the Weasel;
Yankee Doodle;
Do Your Ears Hang Low?;
Rock-A-Bye Baby;
Old King Cole;
Little Miss Muffet;
Fre're Jacques;
Billy Boy;
Mulberry Bush;
Old MacDonald;
Oh, Dear! What Can the Matter Be?;
Over the River and Through the Woods (Lydia Maria Child);
Hickory Dickory Dock;
This Old Man;
Where Oh Where Has My Little Dog Gone?
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