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Danny Boy and When Irish Eyes Are Smiling / PV Edition - clicca per un'immagine pių grande
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Titolo Danny Boy and When Irish Eyes Are Smiling / PV Edition
N. di articolo 3025374
Categoria Canto
Sottocategoria Vokal, Songbook
Instrumentation Pno (piano); Voc (vocale)
Instrumentation/info Sheet, 2 in 1 Solo with Vocal, Irish Songs
Paese di pubblicazione Stati Uniti d'America (us)
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Arrangiatore Robbins, Jonathon
Ulteriori informazioni / contenuti One of the many joys of a trip to Ireland is jigging the night away to Irish folk music. Irish music is arguably one of the most fun and yet the most heartfelt genres. The two songs that have warmed the hearts of millions are 'Danny Boy' and 'When Irish Eyes Are Smiling'.

Every performing musician must be familiar with these two beautiful standards which can be heard in every authentic Irish tavern on any given day. These two beautiful songs published by Santorella Publications have become an important part of American culture, yet remind so many immigrants of home.

Don't wait until St. Patty's Day to enjoy these two great Irish melodies. This particular Santorella 'Signature Series' edition by Jonathon Robbins is a piano vocal arrangement which includes chord symbols and the original tear jerking lyrics.
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