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12 Days Of Christmas, The - clicca per un'immagine pių grande
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Titolo 12 Days Of Christmas, The
N. di articolo 3025474
Categoria Formazione e/o solisti
Sottocategoria Klavier Solo
Instrumentation Pno (piano)
Instrumentation/info Sheet, Easy Solo with Lyrics, Christmas
Format/Umfang EP
Paese di pubblicazione Stati Uniti d'America (us)
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Arrangiatore Stevens, Craig
Ulteriori informazioni / contenuti Everyone at Santorella Publications is extremely sensitive to the costly demands placed on piano teachers and their tenacious students. With this in mind, we decided to publish a series of Christmas sheets for easy piano with only those specific titles that you and/or your student(s) have decided to perform for their holiday concert, recital or maybe just for family and friends.

Rather than purchase a large 'costly' collection of songs that you may or may not have the opportunity to perform this year, we have provided an inexpensive alternative. You can buy just that one, two or three songs that you truly want to learn this holiday season. That's three songs for the price of one! In this case, The Twelve Days Of Christmas is written in entirety, without repeats, to include the complete lyrics for all 12 days on 12 pages of music.

Each arrangement derives from our best selling Christmas songbook, The Best Of Christmas For Easy Piano by Craig Stevens which is also available with or without a performance CD. If cost is not an issue and you'd like to buy this fantastic collection, be our guest, but if a big songbook is not in the budget this year, that's quite alright. Why not choose only those titles you've settled on for your Christmas performance?

Here's your chance to learn The Twelve Days Of Christmas from Santorella Publications. Be sure to review our entire list of Christmas songs available for easy piano and yes, every single one includes lyrics to sing along. Merry Christmas!
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