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2024-09-26 new releases from publisher Hal Leonard for 2024 - clicca qui
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2024-09-26 farewell to Caterina Valente - clicca qui
Spartiti/ colonne sonoreSpartiti/ colonne sonore
Titolo You Write the Songs #1: Country Styles - Male/Female: We Provide the Music!
N. di articolo 3059640
Categoria Canto
Sottocategoria Vocal mittlere Stimme
Instrumentation Voc (vocale)
Paese di pubblicazione Stati Uniti d'America (us)
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Ulteriori informazioni / contenuti Here is a tool that every musician and aspiring songwriter will want to have! In this unique package we provide you with a series of musical 'templates,' created by top Nashville studio musicians. Each template is a complete song, written in the styles and tempos appropriate to the Country Styles genre. The CD contains a demo track and ten of the template backgrounds to which you will write the melody and lyrics. The music-notebook contains an innovatively printed staff-template showing you intros, verses, chorus, bridges, and instrumental sections; a full 'roadmap'; as well as chords and rhythms, on top of which you scribe your melody and write the lyrics below. You listen to the music, close your eyes, and let the 'songwriter' in you go to work! When you finish the melody and lyrics, you have a great, commercial, royalty-free song to which you own the full copyright! This great tool is both fun and a key to your songwriting future!

Includes a high-quality, newly engraved music notebook containing the printed music-staffs, chords, tempi, and layout-charts for each song, as well as several pages of extra manuscript paper; and a compact disc containing a demo-track as well as ten tracks containing the backgrounds to each song.
Compreso Cd (play-along) Compreso Cd (play-along)
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2022-12-22 - clicca qui

2024-09-26 New products from the Tierolff publishing house - clicca qui
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