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Diamonds are a Girl's Best Friend - clicca per un'immagine più grande
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Titolo Diamonds are a Girl's Best Friend
N. di articolo 3112622
Categoria Orchestra jazz
Sottocategoria Jazzensemble mit Vocal
Instrumentation BB (big band); VoSoSop (Soprano solo)
Instrumentation/info Swing
Format/Umfang PrtStm (partitura e parti)
Paese di pubblicazione Regno Unito (uk)
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Compositore Robin, Leo; Styne, Jule
Livello di difficoltà 2
Duration 2:30
Ulteriori informazioni / contenuti Vocal key Ab or Eb

Made famous by the Monroe film Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, Diamonds are a Girl's Best Friend is a sure crowd pleaser. This arrangement is a straight ahead Female swing vocal, though not the Monroe version. The chart opens with a signature sax line and bass run-down into the first vocal chorus which starts with just rhythm backing (we have written in a suggested Piano part for the 1st chorus). Saxes and brass are then layered in progressively through the 1st and 2nd choruses, but are written not to intrude on or compete with the singer . We have indicated a relaxed tempo (at 130 bpm) although it will work fine at tempos up to around 160. When you buy this arrangement you get two versions - the parts come with an Ab version on one side and an Eb version on the reverse, so it will suit both Alto and Soprano vocalists. The brass ranges are moderate, with the Eb version easiest on the Trumpets (lead to A) and the Ab version has the lead Trumpet reaching Db. There are no sax doubles. Sorry, there is no audio for this chart.
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