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On Wings of Song: Concerto for Piccolo and Wind Ensemble - clicca per un'immagine più grande
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Titolo On Wings of Song: Concerto for Piccolo and Wind Ensemble
N. di articolo 3175787
Categoria Concert/wind/brass band
Sottocategoria (lavoro non ancora assegnato)
Instrumentation Ha (orchestra di strumenti a faito); PicFlt (ottavino)
Instrumentation/info Solo f. 1PicFlt
Format/Umfang Prt (partitura)
Paese di pubblicazione Stati Uniti d'America (us)
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Compositore Ewazen, Eric
Livello di difficoltà 4
Duration 20:00
Ulteriori informazioni / contenuti Instrumentation (Rental): Piccolo Solo: 2.2.4+BCl+CltoCl.2: AATB Saxes: Euph.2: DB: Timp.Perc(2)

Mendelssohn’s classic art song, 'On Wings of Song,' set to the poetry to Heinrich Heine, provided the inspiration for the music. The sublime melody has become part of the repertory of musicians of every type--flutists perform the vocal line with the original piano accompaniment, pianists perform Liszt’s transcription for solo piano, and violinists play Heifitz’s setting for violin and piano. The text of Heine’s love poem describes the power of melody to transport a pair of lovers to a magical garden. This sense of music soaring through the skies made a wonderful image, and is so appropriate to the soaring nature of the piccolo. The piece was written for and dedicated to piccoloist Jan Gippo. Orchestra, wind ensemble and piano accompaniments all available from the publisher. (2010) ca. 20'
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