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Captured, the Bassoon Brothers - clicca per un'immagine pių grande
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CD/DVD name Captured, the Bassoon Brothers
N. di articolo 33000432
Sottocategoria Bläserensemble (Brass/Wind)
Formato CD (Audio-CD)
Interprete Bassoon Brothers
Casa editrice * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclicca qui
N. di articolo della casa editrice * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclicca qui
Anno di pubblicazione 2002
EAN (GTIN) * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclicca qui
UPC * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclicca qui
Disponibile sė
Esterni link di download * Esterni link di downloadFields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclicca qui

Titolo Compositore Arrangiatore Interprete
Louie, Louie / Roll Out the Barrel Berry, Richard Eubanks Bassoon Brothers (fagotto)
Aragonaise Bizet, Georges Bassoon Brothers (fagotto)
Habanera Bizet, Georges Bassoon Brothers (fagotto)
Prelude Bizet, Georges Bassoon Brothers (fagotto)
Fanfare for the Common Man Copland, Aaron Bassoon Brothers (fagotto)
Rock Etude Douglas, Bill Bassoon Brothers (fagotto)
Three Little Maids Gilbert; Sullivan Bassoon Brothers (fagotto)
Funeral March of a Marionette Gounod, Charles Bassoon Brothers (fagotto)
Purple Haze Hendrix, Jimi Bassoon Brothers (fagotto)
Sabre Dance Khachaturian, Aram Bassoon Brothers (fagotto)
Hey Jude Lennon, John; McCartney, Paul Bassoon Brothers (fagotto)
Mexican Hat Dance Partichala, Felice Bassoon Brothers (fagotto)
Pigs Ridout, Alan Bassoon Brothers (fagotto)
My Girl Robinson, Smokey Bassoon Brothers (fagotto)
My Funny Valentine Rodgers, Richard; Hart, Lorenz Bassoon Brothers (fagotto)
The Godfather Love Theme Rota, Nino Bassoon Brothers (fagotto)
The Godfather Waltz Rota, Nino Bassoon Brothers (fagotto)
Sibelius Interlude Sibelius, Jean Bassoon Brothers (fagotto)
Send in the Clowns Sondheim, Stephen Bassoon Brothers (fagotto)
Pizzicato Polka Strauss, Johann Sohn Bassoon Brothers (fagotto)
Yankee Doodle Traditional Bartkowiak Bassoon Brothers (fagotto)
Londonderry Air Traditional Bassoon Brothers (fagotto)

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