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Beauty and the Beast - clicca per un'immagine più grande
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Titolo Beauty and the Beast
N. di articolo 4024000
Categoria Canto
Sottocategoria (noch nicht zugeordnete Werke)
Instrumentation/info Voc (vocale); CD (Audio-CD)
Paese di pubblicazione Stati Uniti d'America (us)
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Ulteriori informazioni / contenuti Songs of Beauty & the Beast [accompaniment] features 16 songs from the Broadway musical. This album plays in any CD player and features Guide Vocals & Accompaniment Tracks in the original show key and show tempo.

Nominated for nine Tony Awards in 1994, Beauty & the Beast is a popular stage show based on the Disney animated film.

There are 32 tracks on this album: Tracks 1-16 contain the background tracks and guide vocals; tracks 17-32 contain the accompaniment tracks alone. This album is a re-recording in the original show key and show tempo.

1./17. Belle 5:32
2./18. No Matter What 3:32
3./19. Me 2:51
4./20. No Matter What 1:03
5./21. Home 3:54
6./22. Gaston 4:04
7./23. Gaston Reprise 1:49
8./24. How Long Must This Go On? 0:40
9./25. Be Our Guest 5:17
10./26. If I Can't Love Her 4:01
11./27. Something There 2:57
12./28. Human Again 4:29
13./29. Maison des Lunes 3:10
14./30. Beauty and the Beast 2:42
15./31. A Change in Me 3:11
16./32. The Mob Song 2:35
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