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36 Studies for Trumpet - clicca per un'immagine pių grande
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Titolo 36 Studies for Trumpet
N. di articolo 4025844
Categoria Formazione e/o solisti
Sottocategoria Trompete Solo
Instrumentation/info Trp (tromba Bb)
Paese di pubblicazione Stati Uniti d'America (us)
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Compositore Blume, Oscar
Arrangiatore Clark, Larry
Ulteriori informazioni / contenuti 36 Studies for Trombone by Oscar Blume has been a seminal method for teaching the trombone for many years. Due to its influence and its methodical approach to tackling a variety of performance issues, the studies are presented here for the first time in an edition for trumpet. This collection is organized in three progressively difficult parts: Part I for beginners, Part II for advance players, and Part III for experienced players. Part I opens with scale exercises in the twelve major keys – thirteen counting an enharmonic equivalent. Each of the succeeding studies, following the paradigm of the nineteenth-century etude, attack specific performance issues for the brass player with varying degrees of difficulty in each progressive part. A multitude of issues, from tonguing and dynamic control to musicianship and expressive playing, can be overcome with the diligent study of this important collection. These studies are a welcome addition to the repertoire for teaching the trumpet or any brass instrument.
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