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I Feel Good ( I Got You) - clicca per un'immagine più grande
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Titolo I Feel Good ( I Got You)
N. di articolo 4052970
Categoria Concert/wind/brass band
Sottocategoria Evergreen
Instrumentation Ha (orchestra di strumenti a faito)
Format/Umfang PrtStm (partitura e parti)
Paese di pubblicazione Paesi Bassi (nl)
Casa editrice * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclicca qui
N. di articolo della casa editrice * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclicca qui
Titolo della serie Real BigBand Sound Series
Anno di pubblicazione 2011
Compositore Brown, James J.
Arrangiatore Bocci, Lorenzo
Livello di difficoltà 2
Duration 2:45
Ulteriori informazioni / contenuti I Got You (besser bekannt als I Feel Good) ist ein Hit von James Brown, 1965 herausgegeben. Dieses Stück, das sich immer auf James Brown beziehen wird und wahrscheinlich seine bekannteste Aufnahme ist. Ein besonders gut zu spielendes Arrangement, auch für Orchester aus den niedrigen Stufen geeignet.

I Got You (commonly known as I Feel Good) is a hit song by James Brown. Released as a single in 1965, it was one of Brown's signature songs, and is arguably his most widely known recording. A very good, playable arrangement, and suitable for bands of lower levels.

I Got You (mieux connu comme I Feel Good) est un hit par James Brown. Lancé comme single en 1965, c'était une des chansons signature de Brown, et certainment son enregistrement le mieux connu. Un arrangement très bien jouable, aussi pour les orchestres moins avancés.

I Got You (beter bekend als I Feel Good) is een hit van James Brown. Uitgebracht in 1965, het stuk dat altijd aan Brown zal refereren en waarschijnlijk zijn meest bekende opname. Een zeer goed speelbaar arrangement, ook voor orkesten uit de lagere afdelingen.

1 Full Score - 1 Piano - 4 Flute - 2 Oboe - 2 Bassoon - 1 Clarinet Eb - 4 Clarinet I - 4 Clarinet II - 4 Clarinet III - 1 Bass Clarinet - 4 Alto Saxophone I + II - 2 Tenor Saxophone - 1 Baritone Saxophone - 8 Trumpet I + II - 4 Horn I + II Eb - 4 Horn I + II F - 4 Trombone I + II C - 4 Trombone I and II Bb (TC) - 4 Trombone I and II Bb (BC) - 2 Euphonium C - 2 Euphonium Bb (BC) - 2 Euphonium Bb (TC) - 2 Bas Bb (TC) - 2 Bas Bb (BC) - 2 Bas Eb (TC) - 2 Bas Eb (BC) - 4 Tuba C - 1 Percussion - 2 Drums
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I Feel Good ( I Got You) - clicca qui I Feel Good ( I Got You) (orchestra di strumenti a faito), partitura e parti
I Feel Good ( I Got You) - clicca qui I Feel Good ( I Got You) (orchestra di strumenti a faito), partitura
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