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Celtic Air and March (Songs of Irish Rebellion) - clicca per un'immagine più grande
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Titolo Celtic Air and March (Songs of Irish Rebellion)
N. di articolo 4076692
Categoria Concert/wind/brass band
Sottocategoria Musica patriottica
Instrumentation Ha (orchestra di strumenti a faito)
Format/Umfang PrtStm (partitura e parti)
Paese di pubblicazione Stati Uniti d'America (us)
Casa editrice * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclicca qui
N. di articolo della casa editrice * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclicca qui
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Titolo della serie MusicWorks Series
EAN (GTIN) * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclicca qui
UPC * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclicca qui
Anno di pubblicazione 2014
Compositore Traditional
Arrangiatore Sweeney, Michael
Livello di difficoltà 1+
Duration 2:55
Ulteriori informazioni / contenuti Nach seinem beliebten Celtic Air and Dance liefert Michael Sweeney hiermit ein weiteres klangvolles Arrangement aus zwei irischen Melodien mit historischem Bezug: Foggy Dew, das kurz nach dem Osteraufstand 1916 komponiert wurde, und The Minstrel Boy von der Irischen Rebellion 1798.

Following in Michael's popular Celtic Air and Dance format, here are two contrasting melodies associated with centuries of Irish conflict and turmoil. The haunting ballad The Foggy Dew was composed shortly after the Easter Rising of 1916, and is followed by the inspirational march The Minstrel Boy from the Irish Rebellion of 1798. A great-sounding piece for young players with an historical connection.

Pour faire suite à son populaire Celtic Air and Dance, Michael Sweeney a arrangé deux mélodies irlandaises aux dimensions historiques: Foggy Dew, écrite peu après l'Insurrection de Pâques 1916, et The Minstrel Boy, qui date de la Rébellion irlandaise de 1798.
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Celtic Air and March (Songs of Irish Rebellion) - clicca qui Celtic Air and March (Songs of Irish Rebellion) (orchestra di strumenti a faito), partitura

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