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Madrigals and Partsongs - clicca per un'immagine più grande
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Titolo Madrigals and Partsongs
N. di articolo 4091954
Categoria Coro/canto
Sottocategoria Spiritual, Gospel
Instrumentation CoroX (coro misto); SATB (soprano, contralto, tenore, basso)
Instrumentation/info Acc (Begleitung); / (o); acap (a cappella)
Format/Umfang ChoPrt (partitura corale); SngBk (canzoniere)
Paese di pubblicazione Regno Unito (uk)
Casa editrice * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclicca qui
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Compositore Vaughan Williams, Ralph; u.a.
Editore Rutter, John; Bartlett, Clifford
Ulteriori informazioni / contenuti This book contains 59 of the finest examples of the secular choral repertoire, ranging from the late 15th to the 20th century and spanning all the major European countries. All the pre-twentieth-century pieces are in completely new editions going back to the earliest and most reliable sources. Includes English translations and playable keyboard reductions.
Some items from this volume are available separately in the Oxford Choral Classics Octavo series.

Dindirín, dindirín, Anon
Il bianco e dolce cigno, Arcadelt
Of all the birds that I do know, Bartlet
All creatures now, Bennet
Nachtwache No. 1, Brahms
The Evening Primrose, Britten
Never weather-beaten sail, Campion
So weich und warm, Cornelius
Trois chansons de Charles d'Orléans, Debussy
Two Unaccompanied Partsongs, Delius
Come, heavy sleep, Dowland
Can she excuse, Dowland
Weep you no more, sad fountains, Dowland
As torrents in summer, Elgar
My love dwelt in a Northern land, Elgar
There is sweet music, Elgar
Fair Phyllis I saw, Farmer
My spirit sang all day, Finzi
Since first I saw your face, Ford
Lieto godea, Gabrieli (G.)
Amor vittorioso, Gastoldi
Ah, dear heart, Gibbons
The silver swan, Gibbons
What is our life?, Gibbons
Tanzen und springen, Hassler
Ach, Weh des Leiden, Hassler
Die Harmonie in der Ehe, Haydn
Innsbruck, ich muss dich lassen, Isaac
Revoici venir du printemps, Le Jeune
Farewell, dear love, Jones
Mille regrets, Josquin Desprez(?)
Chi chi li chi, Lassus
La nuit froide et sombre, Lassus
Bonjour mon coeur, Lassus
Matona, mia cara, Lassus
Crudel perché mi fuggi, Marenzio
Scaldava il sol, Marenzio
O Mirtillo, Mirtillo, anima mia, Monteverdi
Ohimè se tanto amate, Monteverdi
Lamento d'Arianna, Monteverdi
My bonny lass she smileth, Morley
Now is the month of maying, Morley
Music, when soft voices die, Parry
Il est bel et bon, Passereau
Lay a garland, Pearsall
Rest, sweet nymphs, Pilkington
Ancor che col partire, Rore
Douce mémoire, Sandrin
Der Tanz, Schubert
Ach Elslein, liebes Elselein, Senfl
Au joli bois, Sermisy
The blue bird, Stanford
Heraclitus, Stanford
The long day closes, Sullivan
Three Shakespeare Songs, Vaughan Williams
Sweet Suffolk owl, Vautor
Thule, the period of cosmography (The first part), Weelkes
The Andalusian merchant (The second part), Weelkes
Draw on, sweet Night, Wilbye
Weep, weep, mine eyes, Wilbye
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