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Epiphany to All Saints - clicca per un'immagine pių grande
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Titolo Epiphany to All Saints
N. di articolo 4091957
Categoria Coro/canto
Sottocategoria Kirchenmusik
Instrumentation CoroX (coro misto); SATB (soprano, contralto, tenore, basso)
Instrumentation/info Acc (Begleitung); / (o); acap (a cappella)
Format/Umfang ChoPrt (partitura corale); SngBk (canzoniere); Spiral-bound
Paese di pubblicazione Regno Unito (uk)
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Compositore Vaughan Williams, Ralph; Eccard, Johannes; u.a.
Editore Archer, Malcolm; Cleobury, Stephen; Rutter, John
Ulteriori informazioni / contenuti A uniquely accessible and comprehensive resource for use in church services and concerts throughout the Church's year. The volume's 50 SATB pieces, both accompanied and unaccompanied, are suitable for choirs of all sizes and abilities.

Arise, Shine O Jerusalem, da Palestrina, adapted Jackson and Moore
Behold the Lord, the ruler is come, da Palestrina, adapted by Jackson and Moore
Bethlehem, of noblest cities, Archer
Brightest and best of the sons of the morning, Archer
It was a star, Skempton
Lo! star-led chiefs, Crotch, organ part trans. Scott
Magi veniunt ab oriente, Clemens non Papa, ed. Morris
Surge Illuminare, Williams
The Journey, Lole
Tribus miraculis, Marenzio, ed. Morris
Hodie beata Virgo, Byrd
Maria das Jungfräuelein, Eccard
Nunc Dimittis, Moore
Nunc Dimittis, Tallis, ed. Rice
Phos Hilaron, Flood
Prayer for the blessing of light, Archer
Angelus ad Virginem, Anon, arr. Scott and Archer
Ave, Maria, Elgar
Ave Maris Stella, Crump
Dixit Maria, Hassler, ed. Rutter
Hail! Blessed Virgin Mary, Arr. Wood
Ne timeas Maria, de Victoria, ed. Morris
Nova! nova!, Scott
Ascendens Christus, Handl, called Gallus; ed. Morris
Hail the day that sees him rise, Bullard
He that descended, Amner, ed. Greening
O clap your hands, Bingham
O God, the King of glory, Purcell, ed. Wood
The Lord ascendeth up on high, Praetorius, ed. Morris
Gracious Spirit, Holy Ghost, Lloyd
Holy Spirit, ever dwelling, Howells, arr. and descant by Archer
Holy Spirit, truth divine, Carter
If ye love me, Ledger
O Spirit all-embracing, Martinson
Song 44 (Come, Holy Ghost), Gibbons, ed. Morris
Spiritus intus alit, Ferguson
Veni creator Spiritus, chant, trans. Scott and Archer
Come, Holy Ghost, chant, harmonized by Scott
Veni Sancte Spiritus, chant, trans. Scott and Archer
Come, thou Holy Spirit, chant, arranged by Scott
As truly as God is our Father, Mathias
Laus Trinitati, Hildegard, ed. Morris
Oculi omnium, Wood
O trinity, most blessed light, Archer
The Cherubic Hymn, Rachmaninov
With all our hearts, Tallis, ed. Milsom
Beati mundo corde, Byrd, ed. Morris
For all the Saints, Vaughan Williams, arr. Ley
Glorious in Heaven, Whitlock
O King all glorious, Willan
O quam gloriosum est regnum, Vaet, ed. Morris
O what their joy and their glory must be, Harris
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Disponibile sė
Epiphany to All Saints - clicca qui Epiphany to All Saints (coro misto; soprano, contralto, tenore, basso), partitura corale; canzoniere; Spiral-bound
Epiphany to All Saints - clicca qui Epiphany to All Saints (coro misto; soprano, contralto, tenore, basso), partitura corale; canzoniere; Paperback

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