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Concerti/band (at, ch, de)
Spartiti/ colonne sonoreSpartiti/ colonne sonore
Titolo Ricordanza-Speranza
N. di articolo 4096336
Categoria Gruppo musicale
Sottocategoria Kammermusik 5 Spieler
Instrumentation/info 2Vln (2 violini); Vla (viola); Vlc (violoncello); Pno (piano)
Format/Umfang Prt (partitura)
Paese di pubblicazione Stati Uniti d'America (us)
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Anno di pubblicazione 2017
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Compositore Godfrey, Daniel S.
Ulteriori informazioni / contenuti or the 20th anniversary season of the Cassatt String Quartet, Godfrey created a three-movement work that has been hailed as "some of the most ambitious chamber music we have heard from any living composer." (New Music Connoisseur) Built on the concept of looking back/looking forward, Ricordanza-Speranza opens with a quiet, reflective movement, before a furious second movement of ever-shifting meter (con furore). The third movement begins with a piano solo passage. Natalie Zhu, who performed the Philadelphia premiere with the Daedalus Quartet, says, “There's a huge piano solo at the beginning, and it's almost like an improvisation. It's written out but it feels like you're improvising.” When the strings join in, Zhu says, "It's almost like a waltz. It's lively and pretty, and the strings and piano are having fun. We're trading melodies. It's almost like a conversation between the instruments.”
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