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2007 WASBE Killarney, Ireland: Nanset Wind Ensemble - clicca per un'immagine pių grande
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CD/DVD name 2007 WASBE Killarney, Ireland: Nanset Wind Ensemble
N. di articolo 6026221
Sottocategoria Musica tradizionale a fiato
Formato CD (Audio-CD)
Interprete Nanset Wind Ensemble
Direttore Lysebo, Odd Terje
Compositore Schostakowitsch, Dimitri
Casa editrice * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclicca qui
N. di articolo della casa editrice * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclicca qui
Brief description Concert 9
Anno di pubblicazione 2007
UPC * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclicca qui
External link * external linkFields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclicca qui
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CD No. Titolo
1 1 The Priest and His Servant Balda, Overture
1 2 The Priest and His Servant Balda, The Bazaar Description
1 3 The Priest and His Servant Balda, Balda's entrance
1 4 The Priest and His Servant Balda, The Bear Dance
1 5 The Priest and His Servant Balda, First Carousel
1 6 The Priest and His Servant Balda, Meeting of the Priest and Balda
1 7 The Priest and His Servant Balda, Second Carousel/The Merry-go-Round
1 8 The Priest and His Servant Balda, The Priest and Balda's Dialogue
1 9 The Priest and His Servant Balda, Scene one Finale - Closing of the Bazaar
1 10 The Priest and His Servant Balda, Devil's Procession
1 11 The Priest and His Servant Balda, The Narrator and the Devil's dance
1 12 The Priest and His Servant Balda, Journey Home
1 13 The Priest and His Servant Balda, At the Priest's farm
1 14 The Priest and His Servant Balda, Balda is resting
1 15 The Priest and His Servant Balda, Balda's first job
1 16 The Priest and His Servant Balda, Balda's Song
1 17 The Priest and His Servant Balda, Sit Round Gathering What a Song
1 18 The Priest and His Servant Balda, Sit Round Gathering My Pine Wood
1 19 The Priest and His Servant Balda, Lullaby for a little priest
1 20 The Priest and His Servant Balda, Romantic Dream
1 21 The Priest and His Servant Balda, The Priest's Daughter's romance
1 22 The Priest and His Servant Balda, Dance at night
1 23 The Priest and His Servant Balda, The Priest Follows his Wife's advice
1 24 The Priest and His Servant Balda, Balda's farewell
2 1 The Priest and His Servant Balda, Entrance of the devils
2 2 The Priest and His Servant Balda, Balda's journey to Hell
2 3 The Priest and His Servant Balda, Balda is riding
2 4 The Priest and His Servant Balda, Waltz
2 5 The Priest and His Servant Balda, Balda whips the lake in Hell
2 6 The Priest and His Servant Balda, The old devil and Balda's Dialogue
2 7 The Priest and His Servant Balda, The Devils gather
2 8 The Priest and His Servant Balda, Little devil and Balda's dialogue
2 9 The Priest and His Servant Balda, Little devil and Balda's brother racing
2 10 The Priest and His Servant Balda, 2nd dialogue of the little devil and Balda
2 11 The Priest and His Servant Balda, Balda's galop
2 12 The Priest and His Servant Balda, Paying the Rent
2 13 The Priest and His Servant Balda, Interlude: Balda's Return
2 14 The Priest and His Servant Balda, Epilogue: Balda's Return
2 15 The Priest and His Servant Balda, Looking for the Priest
2 16 The Priest and His Servant Balda, Three Flicks
2 17 The Priest and His Servant Balda, The Final Chorus

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