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X-mas for Three - clicca per un'immagine più grande
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Titolo X-mas for Three
N. di articolo 98081540
Categoria Concert/wind/brass band
Sottocategoria Musica natalizia (strumentazione per orchestra)
Instrumentation Ha (orchestra di strumenti a faito); Fa (Fanfarenorchester)
Format/Umfang PrtStm (partitura e parti)
Paese di pubblicazione Paesi Bassi (nl)
Casa editrice * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclicca qui
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Art.Nr. des Auslieferungsverlags * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclicca qui
Titolo della serie Flexy 3 Series
Anno di pubblicazione 2008
Compositore Well, David
Arrangiatore Well, David
Livello di difficoltà 0
Duration 3:50
Ulteriori informazioni / contenuti David Well composed 'X-mas for Three' for three young pupils of his, who wished to give a Christmas concert. He arranged six well-known Christmas songs for them, and their first performance was a great success. This was reason for the composer to adapt the piece for 'orchestra' by adding percussion. The title has stayed the same, and the work can still be played by as few as three musicians, but as the saying goes: 'The more, the merrier”! 'X-mas for Three' consists of the following parts : 1. Oh du fröhliche 2. Kling, Glöckchen, kling 3. Gloria in excelsis deo 4. Joy to the world! 5. The first Noel 6. We wish you a Merry Christmas

David Well componeerde 'X-mas for Three' voor drie jeugdige leerlingen die een Kerstconcert wilden geven. Hij bewerkte zes bekende kerstliederen voor hen en zij oogsten veel succes met hun eerste optreden. Dit was de reden voor de componist om het stuk geschikt te maken voor 'orkest' en voegde daarom percussie toe. De titel is gelijk gebleven en het stuk kan nog steeds met z'n drieën gespeeld worden maar met meer mag ook en dat is natuurlijk nog veel leuker. 'X-mas for Three' bestaat uit de volgende delen: 1. Oh du fröhliche 2. Kling, Glöckchen, kling 3. Gloria in excelsis deo 4. Joy to the world! 5. The first Noel 6. We wish you a Merry Christmas
No. Titolo
1 Oh, du fröhliche
2 Kling, Glöckchen, kling
3 Gloria in Excelsis Deo
4 Joy to the World
5 The first Noel
6 We wish you a Merry Christmas
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X-mas for Three - clicca qui X-mas for Three (orchestra di strumenti a faito; Fanfarenorchester), partitura e parti
X-mas for Three (orchestra di strumenti a faito; Fanfarenorchester), partitura

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