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Adrian Ruiz: Norbert Burgmüller; Robert Volkmann; Theodor Kirchner - clicca per un'immagine più grande
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CD/DVD name Adrian Ruiz: Norbert Burgmüller; Robert Volkmann; Theodor Kirchner
N. di articolo 33000445
Sottocategoria Soloinstrument
Formato CD (Audio-CD)
Interprete Ruiz, Adrian (piano)
Casa editrice * Fields with a star (*) are only visible for club members after registrationclicca qui
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Brief description The work [Burgmüller] breathes revolutionary fire. [Ruiz's]...grandeur of concept, incendiary emotionalism...impeccable technique. This is exciting playing, whether your standard is Serkin or Iturbi....these pieces [Kirchner] call for a quiet approach, giving Ruiz an opportunity to display the Apollonian side of his keyboard personality after the Dionysian roarings of the Burgmüller and Volkmann sonatas. (Fanfare)
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No. Titolo Compositore
1 Piano Sonata in F Minor, Op. 8 Burgmüller, Norbert
2 Piano Sonata in C Minor, Op. 12 Volkmann, Robert
3 Fantasy in C Major, Op. 25a Volkmann, Robert
4 Aquarellen, Op. 21, No. 3 Kirchner, Theodor
5 Moderato, Op. 30, No. 8 Kirchner, Theodor
6 Allegro con passione, Op. 30, No. 17 Kirchner, Theodor
7 Moderato, Op. 71, No. 100 Kirchner, Theodor
8 Spring-Greeting, Op. 73, No. 2 Kirchner, Theodor
9 Days Gone By, Op. 73, No. 4 Kirchner, Theodor
10 Romanze, Op. 73, No. 6 Kirchner, Theodor
11 Nocturne, Op. 73, No. 12 Kirchner, Theodor
12 Elegy, Op. 73, No. 16 Kirchner, Theodor

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